The Saskatoon Suzuki Strings Final Concert for the year was on May 8th - so I'm somewhat behind with these posts! Live just has a way of passing by...I'm certainly not the blogger I hoped I might be :) Anyway here are a few pictures from the concert. This was after our family had been to see Riverdance at TCU Place. It finished up at 3 pm and then we all scurried over to the Odeon for the concert and fundraising dinner. We shared the table with Grandma, Grandpa, Auntie Margie and the Kwon family - it was a good, fun day.

Here are all the violinists up on stage.

I think this little guy in front is even younger than Keira and wow can he ever play!

Looks like a good smile on Finnegan!

Here's Keira and Aura playing along as well.

One of the few songs where Keira was facing in the same direction as the other children.
We had no idea what happened but at some point Keira turned around and was playing in the opposite direction - not watching the instructor and staring at one of the other girls.

What was with that?!?!?!?!?
As Keira explained afterwards, Anika had her hair up in braids with some flowers in with the braids and Keira was quite mesmerized by it - literally!

Keira and Finnegan with their good friend, Aura.